Birendar took out the last file from this shift’s pile. One last file, standing between him and the long due vacation him and Kelsi had been planning for over a 5 middle-length time units. He peered at the contents of the file and chuckled to himself, theft. Who in their right mind was thieving around in these times? It had almost 2 long-length time units since he last had a case of theft. Even that was solved in a matter of 1 short-length time unit. Easing back into his chair he flipped the pages a little more, he ascertained that the stolen object in question was form of energy material, a large bulk of it, enough to make one rich for himself and put this progeny in a good position for a fighting chance. As he got into the meat of the matter things started to stop making sense, the energy source was located somewhere in the backwaters of the galaxy where no-one but thrill seeking space junkies ventured, but as soon as he reached the part where the file mentioned the culprit he almost lost his balance on his chair. This did not look good, despite all the Empire’s authority and technology at his disposal this case was way over his head, he decided to call in the party who had filed the case for theft. It turned out to be law firm, he got in touch with the lawyer assigned to this particular case and checked if the content and intent of the file was indeed true, they were. He carefully closed the file and place it neatly on the pile where he took it from and logged for the shift, this can wait, hoping for this mess to solve itself when he came back.
In the meantime, the lawyer sensing the hopelessness in Birendar’s tone got to work. The theft was that of the contents of a will, being handled by the firm, as it turned out the case was even complicated than what Birendar had gauged it to be. The owner of the will had died a long long time ago, no one came forward to claim the contents of the will and the will specifically said to make to no active efforts to seek its inheritors. After long last an heir apparent claimed his rights and which were proven to be true indeed. The law firm contacted the investment firm which had been handling the dead man’s capital. Escalating the matters the other way round, the lawyer in-charge contacted the executive handling the investment and made a report of the hopelessness in Birendar voice to the man. They both knew it had been thin ice they had been walking since the beginning. Therefore they decided to resolve the matter between themselves.

Upon his return Birendar was eager to get back to the case, as it turned out he and his wife were nothing better than thrill seeking space junkies themselves. It was not difficult convincing his wife to go for a vacation where the theft actually occurred. As he contacted the lawyer, anxiety bubbling inside him, all he could think of was how to break it to the lawyer the irrecoverable nature of the lost item, but when he got off the phone he finally understood why the inhabitants of the Empire thought twice before crossing these lawyers, those leeches! It took nerves to name an entire species as thieves. No doubt the specie in question was no better than lowest of the low lives in the Empire, but the nerve! The dead man who’s will had started all this fuss was an astute man of the markets himself but he had made a mistake when he had invested in the potential energy reserves of the planet which now the dominant specie called ‘Uhrt’. The dead man had bought the planet from the Empire in the hopes that once the then rampant life-forms died off they would turn into valuable carbon-based energy form, but what the fool forgot to take into account was the obstinacy of evolution and life. The current dominant specie though extremely rudimentary in its technology had found a way to get to the old man’s jewels and burnt that shit up in the air, there was still some of it left but it was of little to no value in the current markets. The lawyers had come up with a near perfect plan though, they convinced the heir to continue the investment, citing the self sabotaging and animal like nature of the current dominant specie of ‘Uhrt’ he made a point that once it died off and converted into the same carbon-based energy form, the value can be recovered. He had even gone on to suggest a few ways to fasten the process — something on the lines of a contagious disease in the population of the specie. Though this was borderline criminal it could actually be pulled off by carefully navigating the laws of the Empire. Birendar could only think to himself if he would have stepped in at the correct moment the specie would have had a chance. All he could do was repent now.